oncology healthcare solution
requirements analysis, user interface design
Working on this project, I learned far more than I ever cared to
about the field of Oncology, and I tip my hat to those who have
made it their chosen profession. Detecting, diagnosing, and
treating cancer is an overwhelmingly complicated and sensitive
process, especially when factoring in the highly complex
administration of chemotherapy drugs.
Working with one other designer, I helped to develop a web-based software solution especially tailored to Oncology doctors
and nurses as well as chemotherapy clinics. The solution
featured a special "disease roadmap" that followed the patient
from the onset of the disease through the entire treatment, as
well as a customized "dose calculator" that helped to automate
the chemotherapy administration process.
This was the project that most drove home to me the importance
of striking that delicate balance between friendly, human, usable
design with highly reliable and complex functionality.
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